Payday advance loan is a loan that is advanced to a borrower until his/her next payday.
People seeking payday advance loans usually have some kind of emergency and need to get cash instantly. Payday advance lenders usually have minimum requirements that a borrower has to meet in order qualify for that kind of loan. There are the following requirement: full time employment, active chequing account where applicant’s paycheque is directly deposited, permanent residence address and an active phone number where applicant can be reached at.
Nowadays it is very easy to apply for online payday advance loans from the convenience of your own home.
A lot of payday advance lenders offer payday advance no faxing loans over the internet. No faxing option not always available to applicants as lenders require some king of supporting documents in order to evaluate payday advance application. Apply for a payday advance with Mr. Payday and you might get the money in 30 minutes once you get approved.